VentureStart Funding
Congrats @marsdd #VentureStart funded companies! ReachStreet,Hovr,AvidTap,Virtual Next,Life Control Sftwr,Appolonia Health,ShotLst,TrendyMed
— Sarah Lenarcic (@SarahLenarcic) February 21, 2013
Yay! AvidTap got some funding from VentureStart. Thanks to Sarah Lenarcic, Nathan Monk and our MaRS advisors for guiding us through the process. It’s been an up and down journey so far, so even though we’re not massively successful yet this is a small victory nonetheless.
This past week I coded up some websockets stuff, pitched to investors, and played tech support on the phone. I helped onboard our first store whose owner Hogan is just an awesome guy. We have other stores lined up waiting to get their package. Stay tuned.
There has been lots of first time experiences for me and that’s great. As with any challenge, I say “Bring It!”.